Korean and Guest English Teachers Working Together Webcast

ELT Live:  Korean and Guest English Teachers Working Together
September 5, 2013

Xena Dayoung Kim's profile photo
Mar Hee Jeon's profile photo
Evan Rachel's profile photo
Samantha Xol's profile photo
Jeff Lebow's profile photo
Dayoung MarHee Minjee Minji Rachel Samantha Jeff

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Korean Public School teachers and  Guest English Teachers discuss cultural issues, teaching tips, and basic survival skills for surviving and thriving in school. 

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A Guide to Understanding Korean School Culture’ by Jessi

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20:51Rachel : hello! Does my name show up here? (rachel)
20:51Rachel : okay!
20:51Jeff Lebow: If anyone would like to join the Hangout, let us know
20:53Samantha: Is my name showing up?
20:53Samantha: Oh it is! And I’m lavender! 😀
20:59unnamed: wazzup
21:02Eric EPIK Daegu: Excited to get some surviving and thriving advice!
21:02Jeff Lebow: any specific questions, let us know
21:06Rachel : thanks for joining us!!
21:11Eric EPIK Daegu: Wow that’s really interesting about the Elem teachers having to learn English because of that new requirement
21:27Rachel : The problem is they AREN’T required to learn English. That’s why a lot of our co-teachers don’t speak English well and/or don’t WANT to teach English!
21:35unnamed: Could the fact that your co-teacher doesn’t speak English well be the reason why they show no interest in getting to know you and separating themselves as far away from you as possible, even when teaching (no collaboration in the class and lesson planning together)???
21:36yoheist: Are there any mistakes/issues that new English teachers commonly make early on in their careers that you could let us aspiring EFL teachers for the benefit of not making life easier for our future co-teachers and students?
21:36yoheist: *Are there any mistakes/issues that new English teachers commonly make early on in their careers that you could let us aspiring EFL teachers know for the benefit of making life easier for our future co-teachers and students?
21:46yoheist: can I just point the question into Rachael’s direction (not to put her on the spot) was there anything you realized you were doing wrong early on and fixed Rachael?
21:55yoheist: Thankyou very much for answer your questions everybody 🙂
21:58Whitney B: I am very interested in immersing myself in Korean culture when I arrive later this month to teach. Is there an opportunity to introduce America culture (or English, Irish, Australian culture) to my students?
21:58Whitney B: To refine that question: Is it acceptable to use aspect of American culture in my lessons? Such as holidays?
22:07Whitney B: Yes, I’ve never seen an American brush after lunch. Usually, only first thing in the morning and right before bed.
22:08Whitney B: Thank you for your time everyone!

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